by Jette Eva Madsen
Felis Jubatus

"Do they really live in the wild in Norway ?"

Yes, the Norwegian Forest Cat lives as a wild cat in the countryside and forest, in Norway, Sweden and Findland.

"Do they need much gooming ?"

No, the Norwegian Forest Cat is perfectly able to maintain its own coat in beautiful shape. But if you want to show a Norwegian Forest Cat, it will need grooming and an occasional bath before the show.

"Can I let my Forest Cat go outdoors ?"

The Norwegian Forest Cat is very well adapted to take good care of itself in a natural outdoors environment, even with temperatures well bellow the freezing point.

How can I recognise a Norwegian Forest Cat than a Maine Coon Cat ?"

It is difficult for an untrained observer to make de difference, the two breeds look very similar. The Maine Coon tends to be just a bit larger. If you want more details, you should compare the actual breeding-standard of these two breeds.

"In what colors do they come ?"

The Norwegian Forest Cat comes in all colors and tabbypaterns, with or without white. Exceptions are the Siamese or Burmese and the diluted colors : chocolate and lilac.

Since the Norwegian Cat is a 'Nature Cat' - how is the temper ?"

The Norwegian Forest Cat has no natural ennemies, so it is extremely trustfull and friendly. Furthermore, as a 'Nature Cat', the Norwegian Forest Cat had the need to develop a high degree of intelligence. This combination makes it the ideal companion and pet for active households.

"Does a Norwegian Forest Cat eats the same as other kind of cats do ?"

Yes, the Norwegian Forest Cat thrives well on a normal, but well balanced diet.


For more details, do not hesitate to contact us (from 19h.)

Cattery "de la Forge"
Joëlle et Laurent PILLONEL
"La Forge" - CH-1516 Denezy, Switzerland
Tel. : +41/21 906.89.36 Fax : +41/21 906.89.56 Joëlle can answer in 4 languages : french, english, german and italian (speaking)